Our full-service IP & ISDN videoconferencing centers allow "face-to-face"
interaction without expensive travel
Cindy Afanador Court Reportingoffers a cost-effective alternative to expensive, stressful travel for depositions with its strategically located, state-of-the-art videoconference rooms throughout New York,
New Jersey and Connecticut.
These fully-staffed rooms offer high-quality video equipment, making it easy for you to conduct “in-person” depositions or other meetings with participants throughout the world, all without ever leaving town.
Attorneys know that conducting depositions in person allows them to observe nonverbal clues that help them to fine-tune their questioning or detect evasive behavior. However, with today’s pressure inside firms to maintain budgets and cut costs, minimizing travel expenses has also become a mandate. Videoconferencing allows for both.
Remote Video Conferencing The quality of remote video conferencing technology has come a long way in a short time. In fact, it is fast becoming a viable tool for law firms of all sizes to conduct depositions, witness preparation, meetings, consulting and more.
Remote video conferencing delivers powerful benefits:
Cost-Conscious Depositions – Computer-based video conferencing offers a simple solution to deposing witnesses in other locations while eliminating staff time, labor and costs associated with traveling.
Convenience – Remote video depositions are also more convenient, since participants are not required to leave their home or office.
Rapport-Building Attorney/Client Meetings – Remote video conferencing can be a very effective means to maintain client relationships when it is not possible to meet in person.